Sunday, December 26, 2010

I miss the way he said my name,
his eyes as they watched me with curiosity and wonder,
the comforting smile that swept his face,
strength I felt wrapped up in his arms around me tight,
the warmth in every kiss,
the rush of rose color that flushed through my checks,
silence worth a million words,
the love that was so strong...

Saturday, March 20, 2010


All I want is to be notices,

by a father that never has time,

for him to be proud

of his only daughter,

No longer pushed away,

to be closer,

Never left behind



I've always been different.

Nothing like my brothers,

Never good enough,

Always left behind,



By a gather who never sees,

What he does,

How he neglects,

He hurts.


Walking out,

to a gunshot in the dark,

no sign of a warning,

leaving a family in sorrow,

no punishment for the guilty,

greed of others gets him safe from bars,

not knowing what he did,

the hands of a murderer.


How can love exist,

or maybe we pretend,

that its real,

that we can feel it.

We think it will bring us happiness,

but it only brings pain.

We fight,

It ends in tears.

Good Bye

Good Bye,

Its a mother walking out,

leaving her family,

to fight,

to struggle alone,


no phone calls,

no letters,

no sign of existence,

never to return.

Good Bye


I fear love,

the pain it causes,

the fights it always ends in,

the happienss,

the thought of it being taken away,

of veing alone,

of wanting it,

to feal it.

Friday, February 5, 2010


How do you love someone
thats never there.
Someone that doesn't checkup,
make sure that your okay.
Someone that never talks,
never calls you back.
Someone that you don't see,
seeing is believing.

Well I'll tell you,
You dont, you cant,
because it hurts to much,
to be apart,
to not know.

Giving Up

I try to be close,
I try to talk to you,
I try to be there,
But your not there,
you never answer,
you never call back.
Im giving up,
I can't keep trying,
it hurts to much.
I feel like you don't want,
to be close, to talk,
to be there for me.

Growing Apart.

We try to come together,

to be close again.

To love each other,

the way we once did.

But maybe thats the past,

I feel us slipping,

falling, braking away,

going sepret ways.

We try and try,

but theres something in the way,

pushing, putting distance.

So we may never be,

what we were,

what we want to be.