Saturday, August 29, 2009

The World Has Stoped....

The world has stopped and now I can see,

that it was not just you that was wrong,

but it was also me.

The world has stopped for me and I can see,

What I have become and how I need to change,

For what we have done has hurt us both.

The world has stoped for us and now we see,

How we have grown so far away,

We can see our past and how it use to be.

The world has stoped and now we can all see,

That even if we grow far away,

We can alwasy come back home.


This change may have been good for you,

but not for me,

Evry choice you have made,

has been reflected on me,

These choices you have made,

once brought hope to me.

And now they only frighten me.

Here, Gone, and Coming back.

I use to feal close.
I use to feal inspired
I use to feal welcome,
I use to be happy to be here,
I use to want to come here.
Now, I only feal distance,
Im disgusted by what you have become,
Im lonly when im here
Tears are the only thing I feal,
This is the last place I want to be.

This is how i felt. Untill.... I talked to my dad last night,

As of the moment IM,
Glad I came,
Im glad I wasn't afraid to say how I feal,
to let everything out and show how things have been to me,
youve shown me that you have changed...
Youve shown me that i need to adapt to change,
youve taught me that i need to adapt to the world.


We are always changing,
For the good and the bad,
Learning more about ourselves,
and the world around us.
Finding out who we are,
and the people around us are.


The world is crumbling down.
Smashing into tiny bits,
Falling into a deep black whole,
Never knowing when to come back out.


Its one of the things we fear the most,
Its the thought of being alone.
The silence and the emptyness,
knowing that no one is there,
to catch us when we fall.
No sholder to cry apon.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


We fall and break,

We stuble and crash,

We feal the world comming,

to a scraching stop.

As all we know comes falling down.

Shattering into a thousand peices,

Stumbling over pieces of glass,

Crashing down onto the ice cold ground.

Every thing still and quite.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Falling for some one,

can be one of the most exciting,

but frightning things we can ever experence.

Some falls are long,

hard, and imposible to get up from.

Others short,

easy to get up from

But the best feeling of the fall,

is the things that inspire hope.

The little things that make us think,

that they feel the same,

like when they say hi for the first time,

or when we relize they've remembered our name.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Older Poems

Here are some of my older poems from my other blog.

May 5th, 2009
Missing My Home

Theres a place that we all can call home,
a place where we know that we are safe,
a place that we fill like were know and welcome,
The place where we took are first steps,
and said our first words.
Theres a place that has the school,
that we started kindergarten.
The school that taught us the first thing,
about a true friends ship about a sisterhood.
Theres a place where all of our family is.
Where you learned to ride a bike.
All of the great things about being a kid.
Well my home is a little town called Evanston Wyoming.

April 2nd, 2009

Fighting through the current,
Tring to brake free of the oceans,
High waves that are capped with white,
Swimming, swooshing the water around,
Bright with bright and vibrant colors,
Living with a school and not just as one,

The ocean is my home,
Always having a mind of its own,
Tall and high waves brush sandy beaches,
and crashing into large clifs, and rocks
Shells all along the floor with bright reefs.

March 22nd, 2009
The Storm That Has Come

The sun has been wiped away,
there is grayness in the air,
drops of water mix with drops of salt,
down my face soaking into my jacket.
The world is still and quite,
my thoughts reach deep down inside.
I try to hold everything in,
like a sponge holds in water, but
I can only take so much and go so far.
I release a little and here soon,
the sun will come back out and i will hide,
just like the dropplets hide back in the clouds.
Waiting for the next storm to release a little more,
waiting for the storm that will release me free.


We all know the feeling,

of being in love,

even if its not perminit.

We know the feeling,

of falling so hard,

that we could never catch our selves,

even if we had or really needed to.

We know the feeling,

that nothing else matters in the world,

other than that one person,

thats caused us to fall.

We know the feeling,

of never wanting to let go,

even if its better for us.

We know the feeling,

of someone stealling our heart,

and no matter how hard we look,

we can never find it or get it back.

We know the feeling,

of love

Thursday, August 6, 2009


We all feal the challenges of life,

and the choices we have to make,

We feal the rewards and the concequences,

the joy and the pain,

of the desisions that we chose to make.

We feal the lonelyness and togetherness

that result in our choices.

We feal the thoughts that press in our mind,

of weather or not we made the right or wrong desision.

We feal the happyness,

of right, or better desision.

We feal the devestation,

of the wrong desision.