Saturday, August 29, 2009

Here, Gone, and Coming back.

I use to feal close.
I use to feal inspired
I use to feal welcome,
I use to be happy to be here,
I use to want to come here.
Now, I only feal distance,
Im disgusted by what you have become,
Im lonly when im here
Tears are the only thing I feal,
This is the last place I want to be.

This is how i felt. Untill.... I talked to my dad last night,

As of the moment IM,
Glad I came,
Im glad I wasn't afraid to say how I feal,
to let everything out and show how things have been to me,
youve shown me that you have changed...
Youve shown me that i need to adapt to change,
youve taught me that i need to adapt to the world.