Saturday, August 8, 2009

Older Poems

Here are some of my older poems from my other blog.

May 5th, 2009
Missing My Home

Theres a place that we all can call home,
a place where we know that we are safe,
a place that we fill like were know and welcome,
The place where we took are first steps,
and said our first words.
Theres a place that has the school,
that we started kindergarten.
The school that taught us the first thing,
about a true friends ship about a sisterhood.
Theres a place where all of our family is.
Where you learned to ride a bike.
All of the great things about being a kid.
Well my home is a little town called Evanston Wyoming.

April 2nd, 2009

Fighting through the current,
Tring to brake free of the oceans,
High waves that are capped with white,
Swimming, swooshing the water around,
Bright with bright and vibrant colors,
Living with a school and not just as one,

The ocean is my home,
Always having a mind of its own,
Tall and high waves brush sandy beaches,
and crashing into large clifs, and rocks
Shells all along the floor with bright reefs.

March 22nd, 2009
The Storm That Has Come

The sun has been wiped away,
there is grayness in the air,
drops of water mix with drops of salt,
down my face soaking into my jacket.
The world is still and quite,
my thoughts reach deep down inside.
I try to hold everything in,
like a sponge holds in water, but
I can only take so much and go so far.
I release a little and here soon,
the sun will come back out and i will hide,
just like the dropplets hide back in the clouds.
Waiting for the next storm to release a little more,
waiting for the storm that will release me free.